Recent Projects

(click on thumbnail for more images of a specific project)

Barham Residence Barham Residence - Inks Lake, Texas

Sterling Community Center Sterling Community Center - Sterling, Alaska

West Liberty High School West Liberty High School - West Liberty, Iowa

Seldovia Visitor's Center Seldovia Visitor's Center - Seldovia, Alaska

Campus Office Building Campus Office Building - Fairfield, Iowa

Addition To Lenihan Residence Addition To Lenihan Residence - Louisville, Kentucky

Heartland EPS Office Expansion Heartland EPS Office Expansion - Iowa City, Iowa

Bargerstock Residence Bargerstock Residence - Fairfield, Iowa

Lucy Apartments Lucy Apartments - Iowa City, Iowa

Englert Theater Englert Theater Renovations - Iowa City, Iowa

Alpine Plaza Alpine Plaza - Soldotna, Alaska

Wendy's Retrofit Wendy's Retrofit - Ennis, Texas

Courthouse Re-roof Iowa County Courthouse Re-roof - Marengo, Iowa

Bateman Residence Bateman Residence - Kenai, Alaska

Shell Foodmart Shell Foodmart - Cedar Park, Texas

220 River Street 220 River Street Apartments - Iowa City, Iowa

Student Union & Dining Hall Student Union & Dining Hall - Fairfield, Iowa